dimanche 4 février 2018

Côté jardin

Vocabulary list

Mais quest-ce qui lui prend de courir après toutes les voitures??
But what makes him chase after the cars?

prend - take up
après - after
les voitures - cars

Il espère peut-ètre nous en ramener une!
Maybe he hopes to bring us one!

espère - hopes
ramener - bring back

J'ai voulu èviter un chien qui courait et...et...
I wanted to avoid the dog running and.. and...

voulu- to want/desire
èviter - avoid
qui courait - who was running

In this story, two of the characters are commenting on a dog that is chasing after a car. Soon after, the car crashes into the two character's place. The driver gets out and stammers that he only wanted to avoid the running dog.

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