mardi 6 février 2018

Père et Mer

Vocabulary :
tôt - early                                                                     l'appareil - device
rien - nothing                                                               revoilà - is back
tel - such (it)                                                                gratter - to scratch
rapporte (rapporter) - bring back                                 cesse (cesser) - stop
fois - time                                                                    le nuage - cloud
retrouve (retrouver) - find                                           voyons (voir) - see 
la baudruche - balloon                                                 pourrais (pouvoir) - could
la ficelle - string                                                          compte - account
le cerf-volant - kite                                                      peur - scare
emmêlée - tangled                                                       arrête (arrêter) - stop
laisse (laisser) - leave                                                  mouais - yes (without conviction)
sois (être) - be                                                              haut - top
gonfle (gonfler) - inflate                                              l'armoire - cabinet

This comic strip is about Boule's father, and his desire to take a dip in the sea early in the morning. However, his wife (Boule's mother), continuously asks him to do menial tasks, such as going to buy croissants, blowing up a balloon, untangling the string of a kite, and going to fetch things for her. When he finally decides to go into the sea, we discover that the water is contaminated with oil as Boule's father comes out of the water dripping with oil.

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